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Mark Darbyshire

For anyone who's wondering, this poll came from me thinking about what combination of mediums would make content more accessible. Like, do you cover off more people's needs if you produce an article and a video on the same topic? Maybe even a podcast? #accessibility


@mark I have to say, my heart always sinks when I look for information online and can only find a sodding video; I just want *words*, that I can skim in my own time.

Matt Mack

@mark Very hard to speak in generalities, but essentially my ideal would be that the information is available in both written (i.e. article) and video form, BUT the video script has to be reasonably good enough to be treated like a podcast as well.

That said, I'm in maths academia and I can flat out say that some concepts are much better expressed in e.g. video/interactive/visual mediums than in written mediums, so figuring out an ideal would hugely depend on the content to be presented.

Mark Darbyshire

@matthras I agree this is a great option for many types of information. More thought and preparation required, but the end result is that the information is accessible to the widest range of people.

Matt Mack

@mark In the end, gotta be pragmatic, though. Having done both there's a sheer amount of work/planning/design that goes into producing a good version of both, and in my experience it's hard enough for anyone (as an individual) to be sufficiently good at either!

Cloudmom Colette

@mark I beg of the spirits for not everything to be in video format anymore x_x

Videos can give lots of good places to start but after that they just don't do it for me. Text is the only thing for deep understanding for me

Allan Haverholm

@mark Ah. In that case maybe do the same poll with multiple choices when this one is over? 🤔

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