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Patricia Aas

Do you need to move to a new Mastodon server?

I have written a step-by-step guide on moving your account while keeping your followers and follows.

Andreas H. Opsvik :kageaasen:

@Patricia Denne hadde vore hendig på norsk også – kva er sannsynlegheita for at du tenkjer å skrive den på norsk?

Om ikkje, går det greit for deg om eg omset den til norsk (med henvisning til original og namn) på


@Patricia Something that I ran into when moving servers is that any #hashtags that you are following will NOT make the move with you, so you will need to add all of those back on the new server.

#mastodon #fediverse

Patricia Aas

@greppy thanks! I’ll make a note to add something about that to the post!


Beautiful instructions. Thanks. @Patricia , I see that I messed up Step 5, and wish I had read your clear instructions. So then tried to figure it where I went wrong, and it somehow resulted in my not being able to use my password. I wonder why I get notified, when I try, that my account is fine., when the password doesn’t work. I enter this new account another way. Also have a 30 day restriction on the old account.

Satyapragyan ସତ୍ୟପ୍ରଜ୍ଞା

Genuinely asking since i am new here:
What is the need for changing servers? Isn't communication between servers allowed?

In the beginning I just randomly chose my server which happens to be

Aldo de Moor

@Patricia Thanks for the clear summary. Would be so useful, though, if moving instances were actually just clicking a "move instances"-button after having created a new account on a different server. All of these steps of this convoluted process could in principle be automated.

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