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Micro SF/F stories by O Westin

"Please," said the man, "can you do magic to make me be kind?"
"No," said the witch. "Magic cannot change anyone's nature."
"So there is no hope for me?"
"You ask the wrong question. Kind is not something you are. It is what you do."
"Is it that simple?"
"It is that hard."

Chris Bohn

@MicroSFF this feels very much like Granny Weatherwax


@DocBohn @MicroSFF came here to say this. So much like Granny.


@DocBohn @MicroSFF I had the same thought. Her conversation with Mightily Oats on the nature of sin in Carpe Jugulum has become a fixed point on my moral compass.


@MicroSFF Loved it. It gave me Pratchetty vibes.


@MicroSFF I'm so happy you're here and thankful that you're writing for us.


@MicroSFF Kindness, from a grammar standpoint may be a noun, but as the witch points out, it can only be felt in action - as a verb.

James Baillie

@MicroSFF This feels very much like the heart of Planescape: Torment.


@MicroSFF there are these incredible Italian Folktales ...collected by Italo Calvino


@MicroSFF beautiful example of the story that is truer than true.

David Crisford

@DrJanice @MicroSFF
Why have I found kindness to be so easy if I may ask?
Anything else is so negative, so disruptive to the soul.
Kindness is our nature.


@dccrisford @MicroSFF may feel like it is natural, dear kind soul, but like its opposite, it is learned. If we can get pleasure from kindness - which means we need people in our early environment who reflect it on us - it becomes our natural path. Unfortunately, psychopaths find cruelty more satisfying (stimulating is probably a more accurate term), so that is more 'natural' to them and they repeat it. We can teach ourselves to be kinder by seeking opportunities to practice.


@MicroSFF she was then promptly executed because of Exodus 22:17


@MicroSFF Oh good, one of the things I enjoyed about the bird site I can access again.


@MicroSFF oh it is so lovely to find you here 🥰


@MicroSFF Always listen to the (except maybe the kissing frogs)


@MicroSFF - This is such a wonderful story for right now!


@MicroSFF This is a tale worth printing out and keeping. Well done.


@MicroSFF sounds a lot like Instagram’s A Small Fiction whose author is James Miller.

Renoir Dana


Kindness is a thousand decisions, some small, some big. Some hard, some easy.
It doesn't matter who you are, what people think, who you were, your future lies ahead.
Choose the kind path going forward.


@MicroSFF the man then killed the witch… well you know, because.. she’s a witch! Then looked sad and said “yeah being kind is hard! Maybe tomorrow”

Tantric Diva

@MicroSFF even just wanting to be kind is a step in the direction of love in action (kindness) beautiful short story that elicits heart responses! Thankyou

Elie ESH Hirschman 🎱

@MicroSFF I love these! Would you be OK with me recording some and posting to my Soundcloud page?

Jamie R.

@MicroSFF Wisdom in a nutshell. Perfect, thank you!

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