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Theresa Fox

@tootapp the app with the white background is iOS toot app correct? Sorry screen readers, I am attempting to describe the picture but IDK how to describe screenshots off the squares of apps. Just a lowly 27 year old who finds technology confusing, overwhelming, and just craves simplicity.


@swiftiebuckycas @tootapp No, tooot with three Os is a different app. The one we’re talking about here is Toot! with two Os and an exclamation mark, whose icon is this:

Theresa Fox

@badibulgator @tootapp I see that now. I first downloaded the purple mastodon app. I’m not used to having a decentralized social media platform where there is third party apps for a platform.

Theresa Fox

@odin @tootapp thank you… this whole process is overwhelming.


@swiftiebuckycas No problem! Nothing wrong with having questions

Theresa Fox

@thatKomputerKat @tootapp I see… that app will cost $3.99 to download.

ThatKomputerKat :neocat_cool:

@swiftiebuckycas @tootapp Yeah. I got it and pretty much every other iOS app available and I really like it far more than the other options.

ThatKomputerKat :neocat_cool:

@swiftiebuckycas @tootapp that is true. I’ve tried both of them. I really much prefer Toot! Though. In the end it’s up to you.

Johannes Brakensiek

@swiftiebuckycas @tootapp Nope. „Toot!“ is written like this and shows a mastodon as its icon. That‘s a different app.

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