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Dolphin Emulator

Hello Fediverse world!

We're the team behind the Dolphin Emulator project ( We've been on Twitter for a while, but you can now follow us here as well for all your emulation development news.

Expect low frequency posting of our new blog articles and progress reports, new features being added, and occasional spotting of our project's logo in the real world.


Sven Peter

@dolphin can’t recommend the progress reports enough! They’re not only a great blast from the past for me but usually also contain extremely well written technical details regarding emulation.


@sven @dolphin Oh yeah the progress reports are always super fun to read! We've been manually checking the blog periodically for a while now.


@dolphin Glad to see you all on Mastodon! It was your Twitter posts that led me to create an account here, just in case the fire over there burns down all of Twitter. 🐬🎮

Kye Fox

@dolphin Soon: war with the dolphin instance where you're only allowed to use the letter e


@dolphin Ooh, welcome! Cool to see more projects coming over! We were never on Twitter personally, and always felt vaguely locked out of things like this.

Cursed Silicon

@dolphin Please never stop with the progress reports. Even if most of it flies overhead the absolute dedication and passion of the project is inspiring


@dolphin Wow you actually opened a instance, that is neat. Welcome here!

Hayley (partly)

@dolphin Lovely to see you on here! Make sure to add some rel="me" tags to your website so you get those ticks on your links :)

Dolphin Emulator

@partly there's a rel="me" there, still investigating why Mastodon's not marking the domain as verified :(


@dolphin @partly This video discusses the process and mentions some parts at the end where it might fail and how to fix them:

Hayley (partly)

@dolphin try removing the link, saving, then adding it back! that's what I had to do to get it to register on my instance

Dolphin Emulator

@partly huh, looks like this was enough to make it work :) I tried changing the URL and changing it back and that wasn't enough, but removing the whole field and adding it back did the trick. Thanks!

Hayley (partly)

@dolphin no problem! my thank goes out to all those who've worked on the best emulator of all time :D

Jochen Lillich

@dolphin Hey, thanks for your great work! It allows my family to enjoy our Wii games now on the Steam Deck, too.

Gen X-Wing

@dolphin You guys are cool. Emulating such a complex system (let’s say compared to a C64 or NES) is a lot of work and require so damn much ingenuity. That’s cool imho.

All the emulators are cool in my book.

Victor Wynne

@dolphin welcome 🤗…thank you for doing the responsible thing by setting up your own instance since you’re not a single individual user! 🍻


@dolphin Welcome to the Fediverse! :blobfoxhappy:

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