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repi 🦎

I wrote up some internal guidelines about how we look into and evaluate health & quality of #RustLang crates at Embark:

these are not exact rules but things to consider, esp. for adding dependencies for long term use in large Rust project in production.

our project is ~500k LoC and uses ~700 crates, so some care and active gardening is in needed. which is why we (read: @ca1ne) also built `cargo-deny` and `cargo-about` early on and use it heavily.

Matt Woelk

@repi @ca1ne Ah, I didn't know about [forbid(unsafe)]. Very cool!

Matthijs De Smedt

@repi I did not know about Miri. What a cool project.

repi 🦎

@anji it is pretty awesome! esp. for those pretty hairy unsafe usages to try and validate it

Thomas Koeppen

@repi @ca1ne fully agreed. We never accept code without cargo-deny as well. At the beginning this random little unmaintained crate look nice, but after a while maintaining especially hundreds of crate dependencies seems to be one of our long-term challenges.

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