Oy! I forget if I ever did a proper #introduction -- I'm a programmer, been at #unity between 2006 and 2021. Now contributing a tiny bit to #blender, and just started contracting part-time to a game project that I can't talk about yet.
Oy! I forget if I ever did a proper #introduction -- I'm a programmer, been at #unity between 2006 and 2021. Now contributing a tiny bit to #blender, and just started contracting part-time to a game project that I can't talk about yet. 11 comments
I get a *ton* of questions whether people can help in running all this. Thanks! I might start thinking about something (Patreon/Kofi/Contribee/Liberapay/whatever), since fairly quickly this instance went from needing ~60eur/month to ~800eur/month. Here's a chart of "number of jobs" processed on the backend by Redis, whatever "job" and "backend" and "redis" is :) @sheredom I dunno man, as soon as you got mountains around you have no right to complain about other aspects of nature :) @aras All I want out of social media is science/engineering...and cute animals. Lots of cute animals. I'm taking your post as affirmation that cute animals are welcome on gamedev.place, which is excellent. |
I'm also an owner/admin of this (mastodon.gamedev.place) instance. This was setup back in late 2017, and recently became 5 years old, ha!
For Some Reason™️, recently this instance got a lot of new activity, I wonder why. Back in 2017 I thought this would grow to couple hundred, or max couple thousand users.
It's at 14k active users now :mindblown:
Be nice to each other, y'all!