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Mastodon needs a "sorting hat" site.

Enter your old social channel details and the Sorting Hat will determine your instance.

Gereon Stein

@jeff Definitely one of the better suggestions I read today ๐Ÿ‘

Michael โ€œ๐ŸคŒโ€ Cosentino

@jeff onboarding is the Achilles Heel of Mastodon. There needs to be a better portal because "CHOOSE A SERVER" is not a phrase regular folks will respond well to.



There is much about on-boarding that I still don't like but it's improving.

Jon Fryer

@cosentino @jeff I was super overwhelmed, had no idea what to pick.

Doug A.

@jeff Also need to invest in additional server capacity. #TwitterMigration

City Techie

@jeff Or a migration tool that you authorize to connect to Twitter. It uses a tool like FediFinder to find your follows and assigns you to the server where most of your follows are (and open to registration). Then, automatically populates your profile, imports your follows, and updates your Twitter bio with your new Mastodon handle.


@jeff entering this place and its servers is like being born into a religion by virtue of birth. By the time you realise you may be in the wrong bus.. the ship has set sail. To rebel and start again is too much effort.

voronoi potato

Back in my day you joined a random instance from the list because was full, and you pretended it was good!

*yells at cloud*

โ„ SnowWrite โ„

@jeff love this idea! so many struggling with "picking" a server!

Bรกlint Szilakszi


and all the TERFs go to slytherin (where we suspend federation).

The Cheese

@jeff I will get sent to the bad one. I just know it.


@jeff - What is the etiquette of sharing posts/quotes/ideas offsite via screencap? I'm a twitugee and I'd like not to get banned in my first week.


@jeff - May I share your brilliant and funny idea? With or without attribution? Screencap or scrape text?

Jon Helmkamp

@jeff alright so who's creating this genius idea?


@jeff that seems the intention of, though I don't completely understand its conclusions or which instances are in the running.


@jeff Good idea, how would you propose designing such a system? Would it go off of post history, previous liked content, something else, or perhaps a combination of multiple?

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