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I've realised, after using the cherry picker for a while, that my chainsaws could also do with safety harnesses. The basket isn't surrounded by mesh, just two guard rails. My harness stops me from slipping out. However, there is nothing to stop a chainsaw from doing the same..

Tree-climbing arborists use chainsaw straps. I could do with one, but, it is probably too late to order one online. I'll maybe check some of the stores in town. Otherwise, I'll fabricate something.

#ProjectTrees #DIY


To-day was the first full-day of tree cutting. I'm exhausted. The cutting isn't strenuous, it is the clearing-up afterwards that is hard work. In particular, I need to clear away branches from around the cherry picker, so, I can manoeuvre it into position. The wheels cannot get traction over big branches.

Ideally, this work would suit a minimum of 2 persons. One to do the cutting, and one, or more, to do the clearing. As I'm doing it myself, I'm up-and-down like a yoyo.

#ProjectTrees #DIY


This is the Cherry Picker control panel, in the basket. All operations of the CP can be controlled from here.

The two joysticks on the left control the two main extending arms.

The joystick on the right controls the wheels (4x4). This joystick also has a switch on the top for controlling the steering.

Almost out of sight (behind right joystick) is the big red engine stop.

All the remaining buttons and switches control other aspects of the extending arms and the engine.

#ProjectTrees #DIY


The control panel looks complicated, but, one gets used to it very quickly. I started by only operating one control at a time. I'm now confident enough to operate two motions at the same time. For example, up and forward or down and swivel.

Below the control panel is a bay for tools. Far too small for my requirements. The two circular ones are for power tools, like a drill. Although, I've noted they are also exactly the right size to hold two takeaway coffee cups. ☕ 😃

#ProjectTrees #DIY


What a day, and I don't just mean the weather. It has been pelting down with rain all day. It doesn't make the work easier. Every time I look up I get huge drips in the eyes. The tools are wet, making them harder to grip firmly, and the basket mesh floor is slippy.

To add to my woes my small chainsaw developed a blockage in the oiler. Consequently, I've reverted to my BIG Echo saw, which is unwieldy for the job.

Although, it does cut very fast.

#ProjectTrees #DIY

What a day, and I don't just mean the weather. It has been pelting down with rain all day. It doesn't make the work easier. Every time I look up I get huge drips in the eyes. The tools are wet, making them harder to grip firmly, and the basket mesh floor is slippy.

To add to my woes my small chainsaw developed a blockage in the oiler. Consequently, I've reverted to my BIG Echo saw, which is unwieldy for the job.


I've also developed a technique of starting the saw whilst I'm still on the ground. Although perfectly safe, pull-starting a big saw when you're 20m in the air, makes the whole basket wobble. Which is a bit disconcerting. The extra fuel used is inconsequential.

#ProjectTrees #DIY


It's funny, the more you do it, the more you get used to it. The only concern is getting the cut *exactly* right. If the cut were to go wrong there is nowhere to run.

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