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⇄ Ξ£ = Mᄃ² ⇆

@Gargron block by IP πŸ€”

thought that was considered racist

not long ago you and others deemed that racist when done that very thing


Eugen Rochko

@ecksmc That was about blocking whole countries permanently. If you’re going to do that with this new system I’m going to be against that too. But there’s nothing wrong with blocking the IP of somebody who already broke your terms of service and keeps doing it from the same IP.

⇄ Ξ£ = Mᄃ² ⇆

@Gargron πŸ˜‚

okay then

so, still racism in your eyes then

just seems like being a hypocrite to bang on about IP blocking and it being some sort of racist move, which it wasn't, to then allow IP blocking πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

anyhooooo it is what it is right?

some know the true story πŸ˜‰

Eugen Rochko

@ecksmc I didn’t use the word racism by the way. It would be a stretch to say that Russia is a race. But it’s definitely xenophobic to conflate the government of a country and its people and pretend like a the whole country is a danger you are valiantly defending against.

⇄ Ξ£ = Mᄃ² ⇆


my memory I do mind a hell of a lot of people saying it was racist as well as other bullshit claims against the owner/admin of counter social you know that to be true and that bullshit to be false

and you for one didn't deter from they rumours being spread about that person if anything you made it worse

like I said it is was it is and really not my fight and kinda history now anyway was just curious as to what your answer woulda been on the IP blocking ✌️

Eugen Rochko

@ecksmc Fact is the owner had to be explicitly reminded not to violate the AGPLv3 license of our code, and through gritted teeth he pushed online his fork’s source code while at the same time removing all original author attributions and code history. He clearly broke federation by mistake, then pretended it was intended all along. He paywalled basic Mastodon features while passing off as some bleeding edge technology. Make of that what you will.

⇄ Ξ£ = Mᄃ² ⇆

@Gargron if he did violate license then why now after 3+yrs is he still allowed to use it πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

and why did you and so many others make up baseless rumors about him like being xenophobic, homophobic, racist etc......why do that if it was just about a licence dispute πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

again not my fight just amazing that you are still determined to spout baseless accusations about it being something he ain't

Eugen Rochko

@ecksmc You're fighting a strawman. I didn't make up anything. If somebody else did, go to them, not me. I say straight up, fearmongering about entire countries by conflating evil governments and the common people is xenophobic. It's also deceptive because any actual state actor would easily circumvent any IP block. Deception is the common thread among all the things I mentioned, from source code shenanigans to feature paywalls.

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