Email or username:


Forgot your password?

@signalapp It took you long enough, but I'm glad to finally see you in the #fediverse.


@signalapp Hey Signal, what are the chances of you integrating with Mastodon to replace their terrible DM system?

It would be a great solution.

They are looking at this area right now, you can check in here:

Nüjtag :unverified:

@signalapp Welcome! Thanks for connecting me to my friends and family securely.


@signalapp must. be. hidden. message. scanning dictionary file...


@signalapp awesome that you're here! Why no more SMS? 😭


@signalapp How do we verify this account is official? Reference it on

Mark Atwood ✅

@signalapp How do we know it's you? Post to your blog.


@signalapp you all have been a lifesaver for us in the past month or so. thank you for your product!

Chai T. Rex 🦖

@signalapp Please verify your website link so that we know that your website says this is the official Signal Mastodon account.


@signalapp Verify! :) With like We paranoids worry...


@signalapp Hiiii, you should verify your profile if possible! :blobcatheart:


@signalapp Welcome to freedom!
A post here very soon will say you finally removed the need for cell phone plans and numbers, with all the tracking associated with that, right?👌

Salih Kunduz

@signalapp Welcome aboard. It was never fun without you.

hot dog world champion eater

@signalapp signal why are you not encrypting the hot dogs?? i sendppl hot dogs and they never arrive or maybe becomes ham burger mid transit. suspicious!!

Dr. Unabart :vepi: :jrbd:

@signalapp @liaizon How about an edit function for like 15 seconds after sending a message. And, for fucks sake, lose this Stories bullshit. Thanks, Signal!


@signalapp As long as people are breaking-free of the commercial, algorithm-driven cybersphere, why shouldn’t they join us where we’ve been on Signal for years. The best confidential messaging service available, imho.

🍑 gwen 🍑

@signalapp hi signal! (please don't remove support for SMS!!)

Alexandra Moved :antiverified:

@Lustyjustice @signalapp it must be done saddly (it's explained in their blog why they have to do it).

🍑 gwen 🍑

@somegirlprivacy i read the explanation, i just found it... lacking.




Sorrry forgot to disable encryption 😄



@signalapp I was about ask, when you would join us here... 😅


@signalapp Signal? What are you doing here 😂?

Pure Water

@signalapp let’s get this party started. Welcome!


@signalapp oooo hello, you lovely people! 👋🏻

Lyric, Destroyer of Worlds

@signalapp Y'all reverse course on removing SMS support or are you still determined to drive away your userbase?

Jesper Andersen

@signalapp please create non-phone-number based handles so we can use you here


@signalapp Hello! Maybe you could set up your own instance? @matrix has done it. You don't want to be any worse than Matrix, do you?


@nicod @signalapp that seems a bit premature. I think we should give them a day at least to get a verification done before we start assuming it's a fake.

@dsj @signalapp

there is not a problem I can't fix, I just do it in the mix.

God is a DJ.
Chimera Magazine

@signalapp Hello, Signal, and welcome. Signal is a fantastic messaging app.

Alexis Brignoni :python: :donor:

@signalapp please validate (rel=me) your presence from your domain. 🙏

Nicolai von Neudeck 🤒🤕

@signalapp please verify yourself with a link containing the attribute rel="me"

Michael T Babcock

@signalapp welcome! Any chance you want to help work on integrating the signal protocol into direct messages on Mastodon for us? I feel like it would be super handy and not so amazingly difficult.

Matt Simpson

@signalapp I like Twitter still (I'm not one of those loud naysayers), but it's always fun to try new things. That's what led me to Signal way back! Welcome.


@signalapp do you have commercial version of signal app that can be used for corporate usage and API integration opportunity


Welcome! Could you verify your url in the about section? It would make it easier to trust this account as the official one, similar to the old verification on Twitter

Scott Feeney

@signalapp If you're really Signal, can you verify that by adding a rel="me" link to your profile from

Documentation here:


@signalapp Hello, Signal. Been using the app for several years now. Superior, like I am hoping my Federated experience will be.

Neil Payne

@signalapp two great tastes that taste great together


@signalapp hello! Thank you for making the world a better place!

Adam Cullen ☑️ 🇦🇺

@signalapp hello signal, welcome to Mastadon.

Hey, thanks for reversing the decision to remove SMS from the Android app. A few of my signal friends seem to have dropped the app after that decision - it was a bad move and I'm glad you reversed direction.

How about an announcement that SMS is back - and a banner to import SMS and make Signal the default messaging app again, like you did when you decided to drop SMS support?

Mauricio Teixeira 🇧🇷🇺🇲

@signalapp May I ask that you verify yourself, according to the Mastodon method? 😉

EdenDestroyer (He/Him)

@signalapp hello, when will we stop having phone numbers be used for identity verification? Thanks

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