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Ariadne Conill 🐰

in other news, it appears that basically the entire Twitter SRE team has quit

extreme organic gay

@ariadne aiui, there are *several* "critical" teams with 0 remaining staff now.


@ariadne That poor last couple of people are probably going "We've made a huge mistake staying"

Sven Peter

@ariadne I feel sorry for people on visa who had no choice but to stay. It’s gonna be some horrible days for them.


@sven @ariadne This! Many people saying "Just take the severance" forget that there are folks which have little choice :(

⠠⠵ avuko

@sven @ariadne and those who stay because medical coverage. #NeoSerfdom sucks

⠠⠵ avuko

@sven @ariadne I may have just coined a new hashtag.:thinkergunsunglasses:​

mushroom 🍄
@ariadne how long before it crumbles by itself?
Matteo Panella

@ariadne Sooo the birdsite doesn't have the entire SRE team staffed mere days ahead of a sports event that usually causes a massive increase of traffic?

Talk about perfect timing.

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