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Hector Martin

Time and time again this whole "no politics, we only care about the code" attitude is just a screaming dog whistle for bigots, Nazis, and abusers. This guy just said it out loud.

If you think it isn't and you haven't figured it out yet, you are not fit to lead a community.

Hector Martin

The moderators deleted Luna's earlier reply where she called out the BS and abuse she's already gotten from the DLang community. Seriously? After 9 pages of people shitting on Rust for not having Nazis, she writes a thoughtful critique and gets deleted?

RT @LunaFoxgirlVT
Sometimes you just gotta let out the frustration lol
I hope the people in the D forums actually take me seriously, because while the D community is better now i…

Hector Martin

I was actually considering using DLang for some of my projects in the future after seeing Luna's work on Inochi2D, but seeing this? Hell no. I am not touching a community that openly welcomes Nazis, transphobes, and misogynists (and a "no politics" policy *is* that).

Hector Martin

You want "no politics"? Get rid of the people who make it their personal politics to destroy other people's lives. Then you can have your "no politics".

What you call "politics" is about people's survival.

Hector Martin

LOL at the people still defending the "no politics" angle.

You *do* realize this was a forum thread praising "no politics" that quickly turned into a cesspool of bigoted and hateful talk, right?


Hector Martin

There is NO WAY to have "no politics" because what that *means* is "hate allowed". Your little "if we don't talk about politics everything will be fine" bullshit utopia doesn't work because the bigots *will* attack and drive everyone else away.

Hector Martin

Of course *you* have never experienced that because *you* are not part of one of the targeted groups and *you* need to start listening to those people and ditch your stupid broken approach because IT DOESN'T WORK.

Hector Martin

All those people saying they "hate politics"? What that *means* is either:

a) I hate jews, trans people, women, etc. and I want them out of my communities (or even dead); or
b) I don't care because I am not affected and I don't want to have that conversation *covers ears*

Hector Martin

And b) only works until the people in a) find a reason to attack you and then whoops! You're a target too. Or maybe someone you care about.

So congrats, here's your solution: get rid of the a) people and then the b) people will get what they want. No politics!

Hector Martin

Until then, sorry, you get politics. It's just the default politics is a bunch of nazis and bigots taking over your community.

If you don't do anything about it, you'd better be happy with that outcome.

Сова! 💖:verified_owl:

Accepting people with different views is ok, but it's necessary to remove especially nut ones, otherwise community will fall into infinity holywar about jews, genders, nazis and whatever else but not programming. Idk what is that DLang, but seems like it just a thing that will happen with it soon.

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