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Did you know that at one point SDF ran off of surplus Friendster machines? Here are a few that have since been retired and recycled.

Maybe we'll be running off of surplus Twitter machines soon!


Remilia Scarlet

@SDF @Ruth Is that where Beastie the BSD Daemon comes and ncurses it, sending all the old software to /dev/null and replacing it with Unix?


@MistressRemilia @SDF
If I knew how to code better I'd give Tux another chance. But I mostly use my pasokon to steam music and movies and keeping that software up to date manually is a massive pain.

Remilia Scarlet

@Ruth My advice is to always use what works best for you ^_^ After using Slackware for 20 years, I think it's safe to say it works for me XD It feels so weird to switch away from a *nix OS anymore.

I use mine for the same as you, except I also do programming and make levels for Doom.

Not Evil

@MistressRemilia @Ruth Yes, It's not what is better. It's whose pitfalls you know and can fix. Do i like windows support more yes but can I fix a broken driver on windows Nope
But on linux it's just second nature


harahe tamahe, kiyome tamahe....
Wait, did you not need a Norito (Invocation) for Harahe (Purification)? What kind of Kegare (Impurity) plagues the system?

Ivan Achlaqullah

Wow that's a name I hadn't heard for a long time. It's literally my first social media account back then.

Some feature that I missed from Friendster are custom css for profile.Too bad modern social media doesn't allow this anymore (because potential security nightmares)


@SDF this reminds me of a story about some servers I once owned…


@SDF I love this fact, thanks for sharing!

John Mitchell

@SDF Hahaha. Ah, memories of such a messy cage. Nice.


@SDF Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.


@SDF In 2006 I received an overpowered server from my workplace (first multiprocessor machine I ever had).

The co-worker handing it over, his name seemed familiar, and then I realized he ran the (pseudo)famous domain, which was popular for people to register subdomains under.

Recycled corporate hardware is the backbone of society.

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