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@Edent CW don’t appear in full on my client which means I didn’t have an easy way of seeing your initial point when I was reading the toot. Not sure if I’m missing something (probably) or if that’s just the way it is. Also my replies will default to using the same CW

Terence Eden

@ostephens that's just the way it is 🙂
Some clients allow you to remove CW.


@Edent I think @ostephens means that because you use the CW effectively as a subject line, some clients when they expand the CW-ed post will hide the CW itself and therefore the subject of your post.

(Whereas some will expand the post but leave the warning in place, still readable. I've tried a few clients so far and seen both behaviours.)

Terence Eden

@benjamineskola @ostephens Oh, that's interesting.

I mostly use the web interface. I don't think there's a right or wrong answer.


@Edent @ostephens It looks like the official iOS client treats it as a toggle: either the CW text is displayed or the rest of the post is displayed. But Metatext treats it like a “below the fold” thing with expanding and collapsing. And tooot displays both the CW and the body of the post with no separator because I’ve configured it to always expand CWs. Think you’re right that there’s not really one way that will always work best for every client.


@benjamineskola @Edent that’s right. Which means it would work better for users of the iOS client if you were to include the information that is currently only in the CW at the start of the toot as well. Otoh it might be the impetus for me to try out an alternative client!

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