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JR Raphael

Here's a neat #Mastodon trick I just discovered:

You can access an RSS feed of any user's posts simply by adding .rss onto the end of their profile URL — so, for instance:

You can then use that link to follow all of that person's posts in Feedly, Feedbin, or any other RSS reading service.

Heck, you can even do it directly in #Chrome, if you want!

JR Raphael

Another useful #Mastodon RSS trick: You can add .rss onto the end of any *hashtag* link's URL to create an RSS feed from *that!*

Thanks to @bbdd333 for pointing this out!


@jr @bbdd333

Oh Mastodon. You love child of it Nerds. This and the keyboard commands made my mastadonian day.

#mastadon #linux #nerds

Michael Labowicz

@jr @bbdd333 that's amazing! will definitely take advantage of this


@jr @bbdd333 looks like the .json extension works as well!


@jr @bbdd333 oh that's neat. This would presumably only see hashtagged toots that the instance "knows about". I guess if you want to use an RSS reader to follow a Fediverse hashtag as broadly as possible, it might be worthwhile to put some thought into which server to use (it might not be your own).


@eamon @jr Good point, I didn't think about the possibility that this would be limited by instance. I'll have to look at that.

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