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You have entered the public transit meme zone. Please present one meme to ride the train.

Amanda the Lesbian Cyborg ⚢⚧

@Aleums train good, car bad

that's it, that's the whole meme


@Tel @Aleums That's why I've always hated all this self-driving car bullshit. First, we're over 15 years away from autonomous cars. Second, bumper to bumper going at 100kph, 4 lanes of autonomous vehicles wouldn't even come close to the capacity of 1 train at 4 minute intervals. For the price of autonomous research (which is tax payer subsidized) we could literally just put rails in the street for individual autonomous rail transport.

I wrote a whole post on it:

@Tel @Aleums That's why I've always hated all this self-driving car bullshit. First, we're over 15 years away from autonomous cars. Second, bumper to bumper going at 100kph, 4 lanes of autonomous vehicles wouldn't even come close to the capacity of 1 train at 4 minute intervals. For the price of autonomous research (which is tax payer subsidized) we could literally just put rails in the street for individual autonomous rail transport.

No te pierdas
@djsumdog But how could rails help the military-industry complex? We need AI for that (?)
@Tel @Aleums
Annika Backstrom

@Tel @Aleums it'll be even worse when the cars can just drive themselves around. your car can just uber itself out after you commute to work, it never has to leave the road!


@annika @Tel cheaper to cause gridlock than pay for parking 🙃


Public transportation is not available for so many decades already,was never in many many places. And it wasn't because it's not economically worth it. Wouldn't mind if that changed, but a person can buy a car for its needs, that's feasible.


@Tel @Aleums
Besides classical line based public transportation is not standing, also moves with no passengers. Whereas autonomous cars can go wherever they are needed. Instead most cars are standing and falling apart quite soon these days. And those materials you talk about can be recycled already with a rate of more than 90% today instead of being taking from the earth all the time like fossil fuels; there still is quite some room for improvement.

pinkprius [en]

@Aleums we need a hashtag for these I am afraid to miss some 😬

The Magnum Booty

@Aleums The game this takes place in has no cars, but the closest thing to auto-driving cars is ironically, the trams.


@Aleums Maybe a little Poland-specific, but Pafawag EN57 forever and ever

clown appreciatrix

@Aleums the only place in finland with a tram system is the helsinki metropolitan area. one was proposed for tampere, the second largest metro area in finland, and i have no idea why but about a dozen of the local representatives had a huge problem with it. probably a desperate attempt to remain relevant or lobbying from businesses interested in curtailing public transit. the guy who's constantly talking is in the far right party but i don't know about the others. i think the issue is they can only start voting when everyone who has requested the floor has spoken and anyone is allowed to speak as many times as they want

@Aleums the only place in finland with a tram system is the helsinki metropolitan area. one was proposed for tampere, the second largest metro area in finland, and i have no idea why but about a dozen of the local representatives had a huge problem with it. probably a desperate attempt to remain relevant or lobbying from businesses interested in curtailing public transit. the guy who's constantly talking is in the far right party but i don't know about the others. i think the issue is they can only...

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