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Vicki Boykis

I am dead, I can’t believe this AI intro text I just got. If you thumb through it, there are all the usual suspects like breadth-first search and probability.

Then you open the first chapter and it goes HARD on the current state of things.

Then it’s back to mathematical notation like nothing happened.

Louis Simoneau

@vicki every textbook should do this. Fundamentals of Nutrition Science: "Incidentally, landlords
contain complete protein and several essential micronutrients"

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

@vicki I recognize that this would be a lot of text to transcribe here, but I encourage you to think of our vision impaired users and write an image description for each of your pictures, so that they too can understand and enjoy what you're sharing, and feel included.

Don't worry about it this time (although you may be able to edit your toot once we install the next version of Mastodon), just please keep it in mind going forward.

Vicki Boykis

@skyfaller sure thing! Do you have any recommendations for how best to do it for longer snippets from books? Is a short summary sufficient?

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

@vicki So in theory the Mastodon web interface has an automatic OCR option, but I've never gotten it to work. If you're working from your phone, it may have an OCR option built into your OS, such as Google Lens.

But ultimately alt text / media descriptions are an art, and what you write for them will depend on what you consider important and what you wish to communicate. I probably wouldn't write the same descriptions as you.

If all the text would be necessary for understanding, include it all


@vicki when you said "current state of things" I totally thought it was going to be about the many problems with AI as it's currently implemented/deployed in the real world

Vicki Boykis

@matt_panaro also yes! There’s a brief aside on how self-driving cars are problematic

unlink DECT 4100

@vicki this is the best thing I’ve read all day. Beautiful

Schrottkatze :wizardcat:

@vicki lmaoooo i have to read that some time, that sounds amazing

Tyrone Slothrop

@vicki Nice! I would have loved to boost this. Unfortunately the pictures are missing descriptions.

Those descriptions are really important for accessibility. Would you mind adding them, so that everyone can participate in the conversation?

In this case, since you can’t just copy & paste the text from the book, a quick summary of a few words would be enough.

Vicki Boykis

@slothrop Will definitely do so next time - I don't think I can edit this one.

Tyrone Slothrop

@vicki Btw, if your instance is running a recent version of Mastodon, you actually can edit your posts.

The function is probably called „delete and reinstall-draft“.

(I love this, since I make a lot of typos 🙃)


@vicki @brohrer Actually the bit you imaged made me more interested in reading it! I wonder if he has other publications where he proposes solutions?

Fabio Manganiello

@vicki it feels like a boring old professor talking about graph theory. At some point he suddenly jumps on top of his desk with a raised fist, giving a short speech about class struggle and workers' alienation, and then he just goes back talking about first-order logic as if nothing happened.

Better not show this to anybody on the alt-right. They may be even more convinced that the academia is a trove of communists that need to be silenced :D

Manuel Eberl

@vicki I didn't know Karl Marx wrote AI textbooks.

Alex Hanna

@vicki I love the random citation of (what I'm guessing is) Piketty.

edgeworth boxlord

@vicki we shall seize the operators of propositional logic from the capitalist AND economist classes

Sam Watkins

@vicki In the near future, I suppose that commodity AI and robots will be much better at literally everything than any humans. So we will need some sort of generous welfare to keep us humans alive. I'm not so worried about that, more concerned that we might not have much reason to live. I guess we will still be able to watch movies, and learn stuff to amuse ourselves.

Michael Ekstrand

@vicki this is amazing.

more CS textbooks should be like this.

idk, sth like "By the end of this book, you should have a solid foundation for efficiently implementing network protocols. Monitoring and optimizing such systems require careful accounting of data and of the surplus value of your technical labor."


Just a little brain snack, that's all.

Hiram Ring

@vicki nice. now if only the author knew how to write the past tense form of “lead”! lol 😅

Phillip Rhodes

@vicki - I've considered buying that book like 1000 times but never get around to it somehow. Would you recommend it?

Vicki Boykis

@mindcrime It depends on your goals. For me, some of the sections were helpful but I definitely wouldn't qualify it as an "intro"

Matt Ho

@vicki AI are just number perfectors, there is no real intelligence. It used to mean cyborgs that could decide to fight the power, now it is about getting the most perfect number...

Naomi Saphra

@vicki The number of times I’ve told people researching automation that they should read Bullshit Jobs. We’re never going to get free from work. :(

Ruth Starkman

@vicki there might have been a longer discourse on ethical issues, but the editors, said or the author said to himself: "dude, this is a CS how-to book, not a public service announcement." Alas.


@vicki This gives me the vibes that this is a good book, in that it likely also explains that AI does not think or know anything and that it's not comparable to a biological brain

Aral Balkan

@vicki Good on the author. Exactly what the world needs more of :)

Volker K. 🏳️‍🌈

@vicki That is quite a sneaky way to introduce some politics into your academic audience 🤪

Jared Davis

@vicki what is the full citation for the Pik14 reference?


existence. Thus it is obvious that we should abandon this path of growth for the nays
of a livable future. But how?

Let’s think back to the road to paradise that AI is supposedly Preparing for ys
Apparently, as we practice it, it does not lead to paradise. Understanding this
problem and finding the right path is one of the central tasks of today. Because of
inherent complexities, this problem can not be fully dealt with in an introductory AJ
textbook. However, I would like to provide the reader with a little food for thought.

Although productivity is growing steadily in almost all areas of the economy,
workers are required to work as hard as ever. They do not benefit from the increase
in productivity. So, we must ask, where do the profits go? Evidently not to the
people to whom they are owed, 1.e. the workers. Instead, part of the profits is spent
on investment and thus on further growth and the rest is taken by the capital
owners, while employees work the same hours for declining real wages [Pik14].
This leads to ever-increasing capital concentration among a few rich individuals and
private banks, while on the other hand increasing poverty around the world is
creating political tensions that result in war, expulsion and flight.

What is missing is a fair and just distribution of profits. How can this be
achieved? Politicians and economists are continually trying to optimize our eco-
nomic system, but politics has not offered a sustainable solution, and too few
economists are investigating this highly exciting economic question. Obviously the
attempt to optimize the parameters of our current capitalist economic system has not

existence. Thus it is obvious that we should abandon this path of growth for the nays
of a livable future. But how?

Let’s think back to the road to paradise that AI is supposedly Preparing for ys
Apparently, as we practice it, it does not lead to paradise. Understanding this
problem and finding the right path is one of the central tasks of today. Because of
inherent complexities, this problem can not be fully dealt with in an introductory AJ
textbook. However, I would like to provide the...


@OCRbot @catboyslim
@vicki this is a convenient way to get text from an image. Ive used it a fair bit over the years.


Couldn't find any media.
Contact the admin ( for assistance.
For further information, check

Nikolai Riikonen

@vicki you got me interested, I'll check this book out!


@vicki Its pretty cool a book on AI would be so based.


@vicki A little more subtle, but I'm reminded of Kevin Murphy's machine learning textbook that very matter-of-factly includes a chapter one passage: " oligarchies like the United States..."


@vicki so no use of AI for, say, guillotine development, in the math?


@vicki So obvious it needs neither preamble nor proof.


@vicki Pictures of a Book, first picture, book cover: Introdution to Artificial Intellingence. second picture, a book page : Thus it is obvious that we should abandon this path of growth fe of a livable future. But how?
Let’s think back to the road to paradise that Al is supposedly preparing for us.
Apparently as we practice it, it does not lead to paradise. Understanding this problem and finding the right path is one of the central tasks of today. Because of problem and finding the right (...)


@vicki path is one of the central inherent complexities, this problem can not be fully dealt with in an introductory AT textbook. However, I would like to provide the reader with a little food for thought
Although productivity is growing steadily in almost all areas of the economy workers are required to work as hard as ever. They do not benefit from the increase in productivity. So, we must ask, where do the profits go? Evidently not to the people to whom they are owed, i.e. the workers. (...)


@vicki Instead, part of the profits is spent on investment and thus on further growth and the rest is taken by the capital owners, while employees work the same hours for declining real wages [Pik14). This leads to ever-increasing capital concentration among a few rich individuals and private banks, while on the other hand increasing poverty around the world is creating political tensions that result in war, expulsion and flight.
What is missing is a fair and just distribution of profits. (...)


@vicki How can this be achieved? Politicians and economists are continually trying to optimize our economic system, but politics has not offered a sustainable solution, and too few economists are investigating this highly exciting economic question. Obviously the attempt to optimize the parameters of our current capitalist economic system has not lead to a more equitable distribution of wealt


@vicki got the ebook just now. the change of contents is not so rapid, there is one chapter about the societal implications, and then he goes on with other topics. but the way you present it is a lot more entertaining

Andreas Chatzopoulos 👾

@vicki haha, love it. The author just couldn't help himself, he just HAD to throw in a not-so-subtle political rant. Makes for a nice change of pace, no?

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