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Matthew Green

Oh gosh the Twitter microservice downgrades are not going so well.

Julio J. 🀲

@matthew_d_green I just tried with one of my alts and login with 2FA seemed to work <full disappointment face>


@j3j5 @matthew_d_green Not surprised. Folks seem to just immediately amplify any little glitch as obvious vindication… Speaking of, Elon is right about how microservices are bloated. I think people should try to separate technical criticisms from political criticisms of Musk. When the technical criticisms turn out to be wrong (ie hoping Musk is utterly incompetent as a cope), it undermines valid political ones.


@matthew_d_green After closing my Twitter account I received an E-Mail from Twitter saying that my 2FA had been deactivated.

Marc JESTIN [en]

@1morumotto @matthew_d_green
It does, and it's a BIG MISTAKE.
If hackers have you login & password, they can hack the account within the 30 days.

Marc JESTIN [en]

@1morumotto @matthew_d_green
I've noticed that months ago (since I'm used to create / deactivate / delete accounts).

Marc JESTIN [en]

@1morumotto @matthew_d_green
So, BEFORE deactivating and account, I'm used to put a VERY COMPLEX PASSWORD.


@marcjestin @matthew_d_green I've been using a password management software. So guessing the password won't help.

Brett Lempereur

@matthew_d_green Just tried and this is working now. Either it was a temporary glitch or, weirdly plausible, there’s a Tesla engineer somewhere killing services and seeing what breaks to check if something is critical.

Adnan 🦙

@matthew_d_green all the most useful Twitter news is coming out unofficial sources. Panic about the service is spreading


@adnan @matthew_d_green the unofficial sources seem to be wrong. Check out the other sources in this thread…

Lee Holmes :donor:

@matthew_d_green Just tried logging in from in-private window and falling back to SMS 2FA. Worked for me.

Tyson Key

@matthew_d_green Yikes! Does that apply to SMS only, or is it now broken, for e-mail, too? (I was able to get a 2FA code, via e-mail, to get an archive, a few days ago, but I'm unwilling to try logging in/out, to see what happens)...