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Ross Wintle

OK. If I'm sticking around, which it looks like I might, then I should pin an #introduction

I'm Ross!

I code with PHP, Javascript, WordPress and Laravel.

I work at Delicious Brains/WP Engine.

I have too many side projects including Turbo Admin, my magical command palette for #WordPress.

I'm a dad of two. I care about sustainability. I ride bikes. And my boss says I "bring lots of questions and energy".

Qeweyou :verified:

@ross I discovered Turbo Admin via this post, some of the staff writers at my high school newspaper hate going through WordPress menus and I think this will make everything so much better.

I made some CSS tweaks and made it accessible by double-clicking the slash key, and I think that’s all I’ll need to change.

Thanks for the awesome plug-in :)

Ross Wintle

@qeweyou Ah, that’s so good. Thank you for letting me know! Always good to hear from users.

Ross Wintle

@qeweyou Do you want to share the CSS tweaks? Anything I should be making use of?

Qeweyou :verified:


sorry for the bad formatting, i emailed it to myself haha. CSS is general tweaks, JS is double slash code.

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