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takin' a break

you're morally obligated to be gay on the computer otherwise alan turing died for nothing

takin' a break

damn y'all are horny for this one huh

RellaPdx. 🌿

@juliana Well, I'm not gay, but I promise that when Ron DeSantis dies, I will find a woman to make out with on his grave. Does that count?

Gʀᴀᴄɪᴇ Jᴀɴᴇ (Qᴜᴜxᴜᴍ) 🏳️‍⚧️

@juliana I feel a moral obligation to be trans on my phone, and Lynn Conway & Sophie Wilson are still alive


@juliana Honestly wish I could boost this multiple times.


@juliana I think we all die for the same reason. Living much longer is unsustainable and the earth would die instead.

I'm already too old to have an active sexual orientation. But I take your point in the spirit it was meant too.


@juliana This shouldn’t be allowed to be this funny


@juliana if I'm on my phone can I stay pan? I don't want to be out of compliance.....



Hello little gay people in my phone! :blobhaj_reach:

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