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Clive Thompson

I built this tool a year ago but I feel like Mastodon folks would like it

The "Weird Old Book Finder"

Type in a search query, and it'll find one randomly-chosen public-domain book that matches the query -- and present it for immediate reading: weird-old-book-finder.glitch.m

Why only one book? To prevent the paradox of choice! Just *start readin'*

Can't promise every book will be weird, but most are

A longer essay on how/why I developed it:

This was a search for "mastodon"

Deborah Rose

@clive I love this. I am a collector of weird old books.

Clive Thompson

@DebErupts Super! I have a bunch in hard copy too ... they are just delightful. The illustrations are typically *off* the *hook* amazing

Clive Thompson

@bookgaga I exist to serve

If you find something cool, take a screenshot and share it!!

Clive Thompson

If anyone finds something cool, screenshot it and share it (with alt-text describing what it is!)

Anne @annevelink_ad

@clive I just saw a cool book on Intlligence. Check my TOOT

Clive Thompson

@chespace Yessss

random is my favorite function in the standard library of literally every computer language

I once wrote an ode to it:

che chou :breadified:

@clive I have over 11,000 on my handheld device. I love using the RNG function to randomly select a game. it's the discovery that appeals to me most.

Clive Thompson

@chespace aha, that's a great way to sample old games!!

Darius Kazemi

@clive I love this, it's kind of "I'm Feeling Lucky" but for old books

Clive Thompson

@darius Yeah, that's exactly the vibe I was going for!

Al Wirtes

@clive Three searches, three weird books returned. Checks out.

I'm sending this link to a friend of mine who is a rare books librarian. (His standard for "weird" may be higher than mine.)

Al Wirtes

@clive First search WINNER! I actually searched for "cows" not "cattle" for this result. But I went back a couple books to find this gem for a screenshot.

Clive Thompson

@Loukas Wooo!

If you find something cool take a screenshot, alt-text it, and post it!

Loukas Christodoulou

@clive yes I just did! And coincidentally I just wrote a short story hinging on the same events described in this book from 1772 :)


@clive This book is not for left handers (or left eyers) apparently.

Michael :mastodon:

@clive Excellent. I'm now learning HUNT TO HUNT AND FISH in a late Victorian manner.

Michael :mastodon:

@clive I can't believe I managed to get one of the words wrong in the title there.

I was clearly too obsessed with visualising the author's recommended technique for bringing the shotgun to the shoulder.

Clive Thompson

@mykd It's pretty fascinating writing, isn't it?

Michael :mastodon:

@clive Yes, the I first looked it I was all "whoa, big wall of text there, pal", but his descriptions are great; clearly written and succinct, and lots of practical tips thrown in there. Looking forward to see what others gems your WOBF sends my way!

Clive Thompson

@ilen That is fabulous!

What on earth is that book about??


@clive it’s a report/how-to book from the dept of labor on a coordinated week-long campaign focusing on baby care and health in the US in 1914-1916. Weirdly compelling! I foresee my problem with weird old book finder will be not getting sucked in to random new obsessions…

Clive Thompson

@ilen That book sounds fascinating!

Yeah, when I first made this thing I lost like a solid week to reading 100 incredibly strange but compelling old books


@clive I love it! Keep it weird! 🤣


@clive Welp. There goes my week. Thanks Clive

Liza Daly

@clive I got "The WHIGGS Have Lost their SMELL" so yes, this delivered.

Jonathan Hoefler

@liza @clive I feel sure that “♫♩/♫♩/Whiggs have lost their smell” concludes some stanza of a Beastie Boys song

Liza Daly

@jonathan @clive I say
PRAY TELL / Whiggs have lost their / SMELL / This anti-Catholic / TRACT / is sketchy as / HELL

Jonathan Hoefler

@liza @clive Where is the Mastodon button that shouts this in the voice of Ad Rock, that’s what the people want to know


@clive Are the searches based in the Gutenberg Project data base? I love that resource.

pandion (formerly toorsdenote)

@clive omg I cannot wait to read this book and/or get a tattoo of the illustrations.

"a Shakespeare may be but an oyster raised to the one-thousandth power, or even a Darwin the cube root of a ring-tailed monkey."

pandion (formerly toorsdenote)


haha this but unironically:

"From the high estate of gorilla-hood [man] has descended to that of manhood; and [gorillas] are in a measure disgraced by his humiliation. This is the fall of man—that he has descended from monkey-hood to humanity."

Peter Butler

@clive This is awesome. Thank you!

Look how all the Englishmen used to hold their ping-pong paddles. Nary a penhold grip amongst them. (I went for "table tennis.")

Sascha Freudenheim

@clive Ok, this is great! And thanks to @anildash for boosting it!

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