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@smitty but that whole concept breaks down as soon as you engage in multiple communities eg. on multiple topics


@norro no it doesn’t. You can still follow anyone on any server. They won’t show up automatically in your Local timeline, but you can still follow them. It becomes a problem of discovery. How do you FIND people? That’s where hashtags and boosts come in. That’s why it’s so important to boost posts you think are interesting, so those posts become searchable by more instances.


@smitty either instances are important or they or not? If they are my home community then I should be able to be in multiple (without having to make multiple accounts)


@smitty currently when to join an instance is based around a technical requirement, it shouldn't be. That is a design flaw, not a feature.


@norro your world is that black and white? No nuance at all? Things can’t have good and bad aspects to them?

Pick an instance to get you into the Fediverse. Search some hashtags for topics you like. Look at Local if your instance is community based. Follow a bunch of people. Look at who they boost, and follow some more. Boost people you think others should follow. Unfollow those you don’t quite need anymore.

It works. Thousands are already doing it.

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