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Sam Schlinkert

> BookWyrm is a social network for reading, reviewing, and talking about books. BookWyrm is ad-free, anti-corporate, open-source, and federated.

h/t @darius @darius

Vex ♠☮♊⚣🌙

@schlink @darius @darius Looks interesting, even if it's not open at the moment. I'd certainly like to get away from GoodReads, that's for sure.

Darius Kazemi

@Vextaur @schlink all you need to do is email or message the admin. It's just "open with a quick verification"

Darius Kazemi

@dheadshot @schlink The developer is actively working on it and deploying new code all the time so it will be down while nginx (presumably) reloads from time to time as new code is deployed.

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