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Maxim Lebedev

I started the new year by deleting my #Facebook.

I didn't use it much anyway, but when I did go into it to post a status on #OneAloner page, I was always met with widgets screaming "BUY EFFECTIVE ADVERTISING", "BUY LIKES FOR YOUR PAGE", "BUILD BUSINESS WITH US" which cannot be turned off. And that's not to mention useless "storis," a trash feed, and thousands of non-consistent and constantly moving from place to place settings that you can get lost in.

Maxim Lebedev

I plan to do the same in the near future with an overloaded #Instagram ad in favor of #Pixelfed. It has an unbelievably annoying anti-pattern with a bright notification in the menu and at the #Facebook business settings item. YOU CAN'T TURN THAT OFF EITHER, BUT IT FUCKS MY EYES UP SO MUCH EVERY TIME.

Maxim Lebedev

I delete my #Facebook page, so, this counter just moved to "Close friends" option, but I still don't know how to remove this indicator.

Григорий Клюшников

❌ Maxim Lebedev, а ты не видел их отладочное меню? Вот то, где а/б тесты и прочие серверные настройки можно посмотреть и руками пощёлкать. Очень отрезвляет.

Maxim Lebedev

@grishka да мне вообще как-то плевать. Я сейчас установил инсту только ради скриншота, после чего опять снёс.

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