Email or username:


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Xan β˜€οΈ 🌈 🌊 βš“οΈ

@tchambers thank you for this! Got lots of accounts to look forward to following in the morning!



People can import this list in settings on the desktop interface. Here is a csv file:

Tim Chambers

@davidstalane After the election, when I have time I'll add a link to the CSV file in the sheet... Great idea.

Bix πŸ«₯

@tchambers What's the (forgive me) "verification" process for these? Is it strictly those who've announced through their pre-existing channels?

Tim Chambers

@bix Journalists are signing up directly and we are doing a quality check after the fact.

Jennie Kermode

@tchambers I can't get the link to work. I got a message saying that it's not configured properly.

Heiko Specht

@tchambers I found a way to import a list of users to follow. It required to be a csv file - maybe something that could work with your list as well.

Heiko Specht

@thomaswanhoff @tchambers in preferences you have the option i.e. to export your follower list or your lists as csv - that shows you how the csv must look like - you also can import csvβ€˜s there and merge with existing ones

Jim Pembroke

@tchambers The canaries in the coalmine,
The coalmine that is collapsing.
So they're getting out of that coalmine.
Coalmine is a shitty place to work anyway
Canaries in the coalmine.

An amusing, prophetic poem.

Jim Pembroke

@tchambers Canaries in the coalmine.
Shitty place to work...a coalmine.


@tchambers Wow you all put a lot of work into this. Thanks

Markus Unterwaditzer

@tchambers I would recommend two things: 1) make the form field for mastodon handle of type "email", to ensure uniform format 2) add new sheet that uses excel formulas to produce a csv that can be imported via mastodon settings

Alex Barredo πŸ“‰

@tchambers shouldn't the list of handles/instances be a link?


@tchambers would love to have link to follow each on here.


@tchambers this is actually a pretty cool list you've got going. cheers!


@tchambers There's an error for Taylor Lorenz, just a tiny typo. instead of @taylorlorenz

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