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Nolan Lawson

Reading up on how Hot Module Replacement actually works, and it's sort of confirming my suspicion that it's not really worth the trouble.

There are so many caveats and edge cases, and it turns out you need to make your module "HMR-ready" by adding annotations or custom code. This can work out-of-the-box for some component frameworks, but it seems to me that on a non-trivial app, it just takes one module to mess everything up. Maybe refreshing is not so bad?

1 comment
Darius Kazemi

@nolan I almost wonder if setting up some kind of OS-level keyboard macro that reloads the browser when you press a key combo wouldn't be easier to set up and 90% of the benefits

(also I am really suspicious when it comes to layout changes in particular being rendered correctly in a hot-reload situation)

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