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john mizerek 🤡


lol i think i started on Web 0.01

RELAY at Miami of Ohio in 1985. pre-IRC stuff. sending users a million bottles of beer on the wall, crashing their account.


I feel it's bad to equate monolith sites to web 2.0
Yes, 2.0 may enabled them, but I feel like there was a period of time where it wasn't burdened by such cancer.

john mizerek 🤡

@yoshir @smitty i'm not equating the site itself, i'm referring more to the distributed nature of masto. web 3 should be distributed.


@john @yoshir web3 has nothing to do with the actual web. It’s a bullshit term made up by blockchain bros trying to legitimize the tech they’ve invested so much time and money into after they realized how much hype it actually was. “The web” meaning HTTP delivery of HTML, with dynamic elements added in “web 2”, does not need or benefit from block chain tech at all. Certain applications implemented on the web might use it, but that’s irrelevant.

john mizerek 🤡

@smitty @yoshir just because crypto hijacked the term doesn't mean it's not allowed to be used.

decentralized != blockchain

i don't think i referred to either crypto or blockchain at any point in this thread.


@john @yoshir true, but web3 is a term used by blockchain proponents to describe some sort of ledger based distribution of mumble mumble secure mumble unfakable mumble whatever. I’m not accusing you of this, I’m accusing the term “web3” of this.

john mizerek 🤡

@smitty @yoshir if you reply to anyone that ever mentions the term you're going to put off a lot of people. i was trying to have an intellectual discussion and you #twittered me, man.

web1 was #distributed but it was really nothing more than a closed network that just had a couple #protocols attached to it, primarily to share resources and words across uni/gov locations.

web2 brought us http but it's still relatively closed; there's a small handful of gatekeepers.

#web3 is distributed web1.

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