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Blair MacIntyre

@pluralistic reading this, after binging the first 4 episodes of The Peripheral last night, is unsettling to say the least

(I've read The Peripheral and Agency, the Jackpot series, so watching the show reminds me of the whole concept)


@blair @pluralistic Had heard some negative things, but the show seems pretty faithful to the book (and definitely drives home the disposable nature of most of us in this sad stub).

Aphrodite ☑️ :boost_ok:

@pluralistic Your article elegantly illustrates at least part of a concept I’ve been hashing out for the last few weeks (if not for a submission based ban on a necessary precursor article I’d have published the subsidiary opinion).


Paul Lalonde

I continue to be astounded at Cory's pace of writing and his ability to remain laser-focused on the deepest issues of society today.
This essay on collapse of the post-war egalitarian ideal and the rise of China doesn't disappoint. @pluralistic

W. Lahaie

@FluxLalonde @pluralistic it’s amazing how deep he is able to dive into a topic and analyze it!

Craig Nicol

@FluxLalonde @pluralistic try subscribing to his newsletter, just casually throwing in "wrote 2000 words for this book, wrote 1000 for this book, edited this book".

Iron Curtain (Chiptunes)

@FluxLalonde @craignicol @pluralistic I've been a fan of his ever since I found out that he was the first author (unless you count Lawrence Lessig) to use Creative Commons licenses since they were created. We need more Cory Doctorows around.

The Cinematologists

@pluralistic really enjoyed reading this, despite it really twanging a lot of my deep nerves regarding the state of politics and economics


@pluralistic good god, that's terrifying.

I've been having anxiety over my 401k for the past decade. Now I'm unemployed, can't finda job, about to lose my COBRA benefits, can't afford ACA, and now terrified that Social Security won't be there when I talk my need it.

And I don't imagine things are going to be any better for my 6 year old daughter when she's in my shoes.

How long will we need to wait until the next reckoning?


@pluralistic For the last 20 years or so, one of my catchphrases has been: 2 World Wars and The Great Depression took the wind out of the sails of the rich and powerful. And now they have come to take it back.

Sree Harsha C S

@pluralistic One thing I took away from the article were how tangled all the different policies are and how politicizing them has led to just hypocrisies and blame games which in turn has led to more downward spiral.

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