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Ariadne Conill ๐Ÿฐ

you can also do this with github, because we were able to talk github into doing it.

but you shouldn't use github for the same reason you shouldn't use twitter.

Ariadne Conill ๐Ÿฐ

@nova in github's defense, they provide a lot more utility than twitter ever has, but still, centralized mega services are bad :)

Brian Swetland

@ariadne @nova A big difference is while github does have things like their issue tracker and whatnot which are proprietary, the core functionality is just build around git and its protocols and nothing prevents me from mirroring my repositories elsewhere, or just using github as a publication service for my self-hosted repositories, and so on. It's easy for me to not rely on it, which I think is one reason I'm willing to use it.

Benny Powers

@ariadne since I'm anyways using GitHub, where does it go, in the profile readme?

Aram Zucker-Scharff

@ariadne You can also do it really easily with Glitch, I set up a page to handle this here -


@ariadne I'm guessing you're a fan of forgefed? It seems pretty neat, but I haven't had time to check it out yet.

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