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Benjamin Sonntag-King πŸ™

@Gargron By the way, while upgrading, I wondered if my postgresql schema was up-to-date... I know rails should be doing migration properly, but what if I missed one some day for some obscure uncatched error? (eg I wonder if the "account_id" field is indexed in the "status")
Is there an easy way to check the running schema?

Eugen Rochko

@vincib Every db:migrate runs all pending migrations, it’s unlikely you somehow missed some except the most recent ones. If you wanna go the hard way you can db:schema:dump and compare the generated db/schema.rb file using git, but I wouldn’t bother doing it unless you have real reasons to believe something is amiss.

Benjamin Sonntag-King πŸ™

@Gargron ok, thanks a lot for the tips. and thanks for mastodon of course 😎

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