@GalacticRAVE Incredible, Matthias!
The lower one, the lower left one (which is two galaxies interacting) and the upper left one are close to each other, i.e. members of a group, while the blue one on the upper right is way in the foreground and physically unrelated to the other ones. @GalacticRAVE @nbatalha okay yes at a closer look that makes sense from the appearing sizes. does the color tell something about the Distance too? @StoffFaser @nbatalha not for those distances, for much larger ones that would be an effect. Here the color is mainly how active a galaxy was in the „recent“ past in forming stars, blue meaning more young (massive) stars. Dust also plays a role (turning objects reddish when you look through dust - that‘s also why sunsets are red). |
@nbatalha @GalacticRAVE oh wow are these 3 Galaxys so close to merge?