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Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi

My plan is to spend time with family, while I still have a lot of energy. I'm going to read and write. I will call friends and hang out, if they can. I'm not going to spend the last healthy years of my life doing unhealthy things.

Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi

This has already made me think about a lot of things. I say no to a lot of new projects I come up with or get invited to. I plan on how to get rid of myself from all current projects (without leaving anyone stranded). I have stopped being angry on a lot of things - I don't have time for that.

Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi

I guess it might feel similar for people getting informed they have a lethal condition and start appreciating the time they have left. But without having the condition. I feel just - happy - about it. No pressure, no stress. The opposite.

Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi

Friends laugh when I tell them. They are not sure I'm serious or not. My body has adjusted already since I came up with the idea. My focus went from stressing to feeling that I'm optimising in a positive way. I'm looking for people to replace me. For the first time in my adult life, I feel I'm about to get less things that bothers me (positive or negative).

Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi

So, I might go back to work when I'm 60 or something. Dunno. But why fuck up the healthy years for work. I'm going to be involved in things, still. I'm writing things I need to finish. I just don't want any daily phone calls with must do's or must fix. No deadlines. Just dead lines.

Adnan 🦙

@peter I think you must be thankful that you can do this. I hope I too have the time to retire and enjoy life in my healthy years.

Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi

@adnan I am very much so. Also planning my life to be able to. But just the feeling of an "out" is quite much worth, even if it fucks up.


@peter i totally relate to this. 51, been doing things related to computer for 40 years, professionally or not. It used to be what i want, but not anymore. I just want to do what i want, making money to get a life and not the other way around. Good stuff ! Keep us posted😉

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