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Dr. Quadragon ❌

Still can't wrap my head around IPFS.

It seems like a cool piece of tech, but feels like in order to work properly, it needs to be implemented inside your browsers and curls and whatnot from the get-go.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Or use some kind of polyfills, but that's bad jibbies.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Also, it seems like it will be very slow?..

Dr. Quadragon ❌

But I mean... Doesn't, for example @peertube use some kind of polyfill anyway to enable p2p video playback?

Can IPFS be an at least half-decent solution to the video storage problem, maybe?

Dr. Quadragon ❌

I mean dammit, I want to believe... But this seems, like, too good to be true, there's gotta be some kind of drawback or tradeoff.


@drq it only stores most used info. If you load your video to ipfs and nobody is interested then this video will be gone after some time. That’s why nfts use special pinning services that guarantee presence of some content during some prepaid time.

Max Anderson

@drq I tried one time to make IPFS work on my M1 Mac (the one without the fan). Let me tell you, that was a BAD idea. Running an IPFS node creates an insane amount of heat that it couldn’t handle. Better yet, I still don’t really fully get how it works so I get where you’re coming from

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