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Jeff Sonstein

suggestion: hashtags are important here. please use “Camel Case” so screen readers understand what the words are and can pronounce them properly. example:

#DogsOfMastodon not #dogsofmastodon

make sense??


@jeffsonstein What is the importance of first letter being capitalized too?

Jeff Sonstein

@jdormansteele2 KISS, KISS, KISS.

a simple & broad-brush explanation using an easily memorable phrase is worth more than (IMHO spurious) linguistic precision. I am trying to communicate without having to then explain my explanation.

I am no longer teaching coders, I am making (hopefully gentle) suggestions to help non-technical folks understand. make sense?


@jeffsonstein if only someone could get the autocomplete to cooperate...

Alan Harrison

You can't tag a post #DogsOfMastodon and then not post a dog.
Have Casper on a carpet of rainbow leaves, yesterday.


@jeffsonstein i believe it is much better for screen readers too.

Tim Böttcher

@jeffsonstein Makes sense. As a deafblind user who rarely uses speech on #ScreenReaders I am curious, though: DoScreenReadersActuallyPronounceCamelCaseCorrectly? ^^

Dr Alison Mccandlish

@jeffsonstein thank you for the reminder! Now off to find some #DogsOfMastadon 😀 Here is my borrowed pup - I look after her for my friend when she works odd shifts


@jeffsonstein AcTuAllY: you’re describing PascalCase, camelCase has the first letter lower.

Jeff Sonstein

@lukstru <ROFL/>

KISS my friend, remember KISS when explaining things to folks. newbies remember the term “camel case” in a way they will not remember a long ago language and it’s conventions.


@jeffsonstein which version plays in your head when you read KISS?

Jeff Sonstein

@lukstru it is something I chant to myself, to try to remember to be appropriately simple


@jeffsonstein technically, your example is PascalCase, camelCase doesn’t start with capitals.

Jeff Sonstein

@harrypujols <sigh/> this is not a site full of coders, and this was an explanation written in terms "everyday folks" will understand and remember.

I used to give a lecture about "spurious accuracy", which was mostly about remembering context when measuring/reporting/communicating. if it would communicate an idea faster and clearer and in a stickier way, then I would label it "fred". <shrug/>

no worries

Tim Newman

@jeffsonstein if you don't do it for other people do it to save yourself from #susanalbumparty


@jeffsonstein so there are variable naming conventions here 😆 ? What about snake_case 😆?

Jeff Sonstein

@rob apologies for mis-communicating... the "screen reader software" to which I was referring is generally a part of the Web browser, operating system, or other underlying software. the screen reader issue is the same on theBirdSite etc.

am I being clearer?


@jeffsonstein yes, perfectly. I was just joking about the endless and rather silly programmer debate about CamelCase vs snake_case variable naming. Your point about screen reader software is well-taken!


@jeffsonstein thanks for sharing this tip! i had not considered it.


@jeffsonstein this also goes for instance admins; just because a trend shows up for approval in all lowercase doesn't mean you have to make it trend in all lowercase, you can edit the capitalization in the trends moderation interface



That's not #camelCase.

What you're trying to recommend is that people use #PascalCase.

I actually like to use #Pascal_Snake_Case, which renders even more nicely as hashtags than that of straight PascalCase from the perspective of the sighted reader.

For a more definitive explanation with examples please see the following link:

I hope that helps!

#tallship #Hashtag #Fediverse #Soapbox #FOSS #Friendica



That's not #camelCase.

What you're trying to recommend is that people use #PascalCase.

I actually like to use #Pascal_Snake_Case, which renders even more nicely as hashtags than that of straight PascalCase from the perspective of the sighted reader.

For a more definitive explanation with examples please see the following link:

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