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r҉ustic cy͠be̸rpu̵nk🤠🤖

NASA's Through hole soldering guidelines might come in handy when it's time to assemble components for my power supply

If I'm building it to function way off in the woods, exposed to all manner of whatnot, soldering is probably the least of my worries. But why allow the possibility for small issues to accumulate into big problems

Darius Kazemi replied to r҉ustic

@cypnk omg I love that these workmanship standards are just out there to read

brennen replied to Darius

@darius @cypnk as i remember, this discussion came up at sparkfun when we realized that people were *actually* sending our stuff to space on cubesats and the like. which is definitely, like, a holy shit cool moment, and then a lot like when you find out people are using it for medical devices you go wait, are you sure you want to do that, because i probably wouldn't do that

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