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jaz 🏴󠁧󠁒󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

You can find local Mastodon servers around the world using the "Mastodon Near Me" project at:

Click on map icons to see more details about each entry.

You can add service providers at (DM me if I don't see it quickly enough)

Some people find this an easier way to choose their first server, share liberally.

#MastoTips #Mastodon #FediTips #Fediverse #Instances #MastodonNearMe #Regional #Local

Blobfrog9000 πŸΈβ„οΈβ˜―οΈπŸŒ‘

@jaz Sir, I followed your map and ended up at the local zoo. 🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘


@jaz Nice #webmap! Here's a more comprehensive list I'm not sure where the geolocation data is coming from but some smart people might know πŸ™‚

jaz 🏴󠁧󠁒󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

@NiemPseu it's there, I see it. It's geo-centred on the country or region (country pins are not in capitals) but if it's way off let me know

(it's "near me" not
"near the capital")

L.Yo :startrek: :linuxmintnew:

@jaz so the NL server is not located in the Netherlands.


@jaz Okay, and now that for semantic proximity, please? πŸ˜„

Mx. Alba :blobcatenby: :nd:

@jaz Using geography to determine what instance to join may not be the best way to go, though. I think it's better to find an instance where "your tribe" is. In my case, queer leftist activists from all around the world!


@jaz hello sir, is it possible to join in on two or more instances? I found Finnish one from your post and I wonder if I could join in it too?

jaz 🏴󠁧󠁒󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

@hratambuurimies you can join as many instances as you like, but you will need a user/password on each one, they are completely separate, like having two email accounts. Don't forget, you can find and follow all the people on the Finnish instance on your current account if you prefer.

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