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Eugen Rochko has once again caught up with real-time. I haven't received the new machine for the database yet (seems like the technical issues unfortunately overlapped with some bank holidays; hopefully tomorrow) but I managed to find a way to optimize some code that seems to have helped. Thank you for being patient, and again, I'm really sorry you couldn't experience Mastodon at its best the past few days on here.

Damon Outlaw

@Gargron I know you have Patreon, but maybe set up a bigger crowdfund that we can all contribute towards to help make this place the best version it can be. Thanks for all of your hard work.


Thank you for your work!

is there any healthpage or something that allows to query the state of the instance (or even the whole network?)


@Gargron It's running great today! Thank you! We'll be patient, however.


@Gargron You're doing good work. Thank you for your effort!


@Gargron Hey, no worries! Any chance the new users will lead to an increase in funding? I'm doing my part at the very least by paying for a hosted server (which I assume will kick back some profits towards development?)

Daniel Schildt

@Gargron This system works surprisingly faster now after the changes. Will be interesting to see the amount of improvements in the future when more people start to help with code optimizations.

To be fair, this large growth of new accounts and activity would be challenging for any service. Good work keeping systems running. 👍


@Gargron thank you from over here on!


Thanks for all your hard work and effort to keep things running 🙏👍 but don't forget to look after yourself,please 😊

🎃 Greg Hurlman 🍂

@Gargron New machine?! Why not something in the cloud?

Rod Hilton

@Gargron This was Twitter for like 3 years don't be so hard on yourself


@Gargron that's ok, i'm still happy with your hard work!

Emke Mol

@Gargron Thank you and please take care of yourself! Your health is more important than a server. We’ll be patient, don’t worry!


@Gargron thanks a lot! and indeed, it feels faster than before!


@Gargron We know you're doing everything you can. Take care 🙏


@Gargron seems like you found your Ikigai


@Gargron Thank you! Looking forward to when we can move our main account over here from the elmobird.


@Gargron You are a super star, thanks for all the hard work.


@Gargron Thank YOU for all the efforts and sleepless nights.


@Gargron take your time. Rome wasn’t built on one day too. 😜👍🏼


@Gargron No problems. Thank you. This was understandable. Lots of people left Twitter or at least created a backup account here should something happen to Twitter.

Axel Antoni

@Gargron ja, super! Vielen lieben Dank für die harte Arbeit.


@Gargron wonderfull! It works! Thanks for your hard work.

Dr. Perinemely

@Gargron Thanks for your job! We are patient and so glad to be here.

Marcel Bootsman󠀁

@Gargron thanks man!
Do you have any details about the codes changes? I'm curious.

Die Krähenpost

@Gargron Thank you so much! You’ll find your way out 😁

Steve Fenton ♾️

@Gargron you're doing great - it must be mega busy right now and we appreciate you.


@Gargron Thank you for everything, including this update!

M.A.R.Translations 😷🍓

@Gargron It's actually fun to watch the process and the way you communicate - thanks for that!


It's ok. We are patient. Perfection is just an idea/ a theorie 🙂

Nils Potthast :mastodon:

@Gargron thank you for the hard work you have to put in 🙌🏼


@Gargron Yes Hetzner is just around the corner for me. And it´s usually here, when a holiday is on Thursday, most people have free on the monday between. so....

Roh Halus 👻

@Gargron everyone needs to migrate to smaller server to help with federation 🙃


@Gargron thanks. No one would have expected this run to the network.


@Gargron you’re doing a great job. Thank you for your hard work!


@Gargron Thanks man, I really appreciate your effort!

Sam Steiner 🎈

@Gargron some tweaking of the DB table indexing? Hope the server guys are recovered and working well today.

James @ Temples of Syrinx 💠

@Gargron thanks for the efforts and make sure you look after yourself. As a recent arrival from the other side, and working in IT, I appreciate the stress the recent influx has put on both the platform and those who develop and maintain it.


@Gargron hello! Can someone help? How does Mastodon work? Seems like it takes updates from Twitter. Right? I can find users from Twitter here but they have nothing to show in their feed. I also don’t find users from Twitter. Thank you for your patience and assistance.


@Gargron Don't apologise, what you are doing is amazing 👏

Michael Mrak

@Gargron Your code optimization definitely helped a lot. Thank You so much!


@Gargron You're doing more than you could possibly expect from a single person. Hope you're kind to yourself these days.


@Gargron Sometimes it's slow but no problem, we can continue to use your server.

nosh :fosstodon: (ʘ‿ʘ)

@Gargron thank you for your great service to the community 🙏🏽


@Gargron Your transparency is greatly appreciated. 🍷


@Gargron No problem dude, you doing a wunderful job its performing very well. no stress. more power to the decentralised social media.

Jeroen Mulder

@Gargron awesome job! Thanks for all the effort you put in 😃


@Gargron 💪 Thanks for all the work you put in here, hope you do get some rest too though, it's important.

Also no worries, it's not as bad, just remember the birdsite's failwhale frequency in its early days? 🙃


@Gargron have noticed a thing. You’re doing great and I look forward to sending you more money over time! 🧡

Florian Haas

@Gargron Thank you! And please don't apologise for doing excellent work.

WIlbert Pot

@Gargron We appreciate the hard work you put into it and the honesty, clarity and openness.

The first 3 years on Twitter they presented us with the "fail whale" which supposed to be funny, but no feedback about what caused it and steps to a solution.

you still found a solution , even though it is not easy with rising demand and long delivery times.

I donated yesterday with the hope that a contribution can make a difference.If I can help in any other way, let me know. Keep up the good work!


"Mastodon at its best the past few days on here."

No Mastodon @Gargron , only your instance. Remember: you are not Mastodon.

Rick Lining 💙 🕷️ 🇪🇺 💫 🌊

@Gargron As a new user, it hasn't been a problem. It's understood that it's a labour of love, hope you get enough new Patreon subscriptions to help. Thank you for all your efforts


@Gargron Don’t know about you but looking at content without ads, billionaires and conspiracies sounds like a quite good value prop still to me. Thank for all the work!

Dr. Pedro Bourbon de Linhaça

@Gargron There are some bugs needing to be fixed. For exemple, some setting changes I make don't take effect on the app. App also don't show how many new notifications I have. It's a never ending process, but I'm generally pleased with the experience. Good luck.

Oliver Gassner :mastodon:

@Gargron Some services offer csv-.Filers to import twitter contacts, this does not seem to work here right now - just a report, not a complaint ;)

Central & Western Archive/GLAM

@Gargron We, or at least I, are extremely grateful for you and all your effort, thank you. No-one could have predicted the explosion of twits from all countries, tearing across the frozen plains in large groups to storm the Mastodons hideout, yet you all made us feel so super welcome. I trust we have done the same for you Eugen.

Gryphbeard of DILFgaard

@Gargron You are a god among men! Thank you for all you do.

Rufus T Firefly

I know I’m being lazy and ought to just read the code, but I’ll ask anyway. How did you detect the bottleneck?

David Tanzer

@Gargron Thank you for your great work! I donated on patreon to help you keep this instance running, and I hope that a considerable percentage of the new arrivals will do so, too...

Elisabeth Anderson 🐺🌱

@Gargron Thank you SO MUCH for all you're doing! I'm going to add to the crowdfunder for the instance! 🙏

Gaina_Cee (She/Her).

@Gargron Wrinkles are understandable given how many people have joined in a short space of time.

Thank you for your hard work. 😊


@Gargron I stood up my own instance I really want be involved in the project if there anything I can do to help let me know

Mahmoud - محمود

@Gargron you always end up coming with solutions. Well done on you. Do you keep track of these things that can be converted to (short?) tech writes? I would like to dive deeper into your mind on how you work through such events. Also, is this instance specific or Mastodon wide? Feel free to answer anytime later as you probably need to catch up some missed sleeping hours 😁

Idriss Neumann :verified:

@Gargron Thanks for the work you've done and may the force be with you 💪 . It made me self-host my own instance and it's working pretty well :)
If this can help someone else doing the same thing, I made a quick tutorial and ansible role based on the docker images provided by Mastodon here:

Jürgen Hubert

@Gargron We all appreciate your hard work, and as a result I have decided to become a Patreon supporter.

The lowest level at the moment, but depending on how much I make use of Mastodon I might upgrade in the future.

Luis Pinto

@Gargron would it help to the implement some code in C++ or Rust (haven't looked into the git repo yet)?

🇺🇦iuriimtl.eth🇨🇦 :verified:

@Gargron Eugene, you wouldn’t have the holiday bank issue if you’d believe in crypto 😜

Theo Meereboer-Necheporenko

@Gargron thank you so much! You do a really great job. Being patient on Mastodon is like having holiday, improvising a little, no hurry, keep smiling and meeting friendly people. No worries, it will be okay thanks to you!


@Gargron Is it any help if I invite you to check to see if you can do real-time profiling of your instances? That could help us identify CPU bottlenecks...


@Gargron new to all this- what’s the big deal with As in, why does everyone want to join it? Is it just THE place to be here haha?

📖 Le Bottin des Jeux Linux

Thank you very much for your work 💖️👍️
And sorry for my impatience. I had completely obscured in my mind the guy behind it who struggles to make it all work. Respect 🙏️

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