Yes I subscribed in the past to someone on YouTube that just supercharges #Emacs in phenomenal ways. His videos run from basic to extremely advanced, and he presents everything in a cookbook style set of tutorials, demonstrating live while he builds custom environments.

I can’t recall his name or channel off the top of my head right now. Bookmarks are a good thing :)

I find what can be done with #Emacs to be fascinating: Email, IDE, working in my #Korn_shell (tksh) all sorts of regular interesting operations where you rarely need to exit the environment for anything- even #IRC, which is something I use everyday anyway.

I don’t know why, perhaps just sitting down and dedicating time and practice for myself I suppose. And I tried to set up #Vim like keybindings with #Evil_Mode to make it easier for me which is really sort of cheating I guess, but I’ve been using #vi since the late 70’s, so it’s very natural for me.

I’m interested in #Org_Mode, since it seems to be a place where people can start off with using Emacs as a daily driver, and it supports Tex and Markdown, so that’s my first stop I guess.

Now I do use Emacs, to be fair, but I get lost in it easily so that use is quite limited. With Gemini protocol I use two browsers. #Lagrange is very beautiful and similar to what you’ll experience with common GUI based web browsers.

But Gemini is a completely character based environment, so my favorite browser is Elpher, which suits supports Gopher protocol too. Using that gave me some insight into installing from #Melpa.

I find that #Elpher works best for me, since it’s so easy to switch from viewing the rendered #Gemini and #Gopher documents to quickly viewing them as the raw document to see exactly how each page is constructed.

So again, yes, I think I’ve been procrastinating on this for far too many years and I’m going to set a few hours each week to learn and work exclusively within Emacs until I am actually, if not proficient then, competent.

So, how does Emacs factor into your daily routines? How do you fashion your workflows with it?

And thanks for the suggestion!
