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I'm looking for six nice, marriage minded, Faroese Mormon girls.

God says I have to rest one day each week.

At least one of these ladies must be skilled in hunting down and clubbing baby seals to death while I'm at work, and having it cooked and ready for supper when I get home in the evening.

If I can't find six, then I'll settle for the remainder in Icelandic chicks. Good Norse Viking breeding stock.

Plusses: Archery, battle axe, and broadsword skills; petite, in heat, and willing to share our bed with five other wives.

Must be English speaking - us Americans are pretty lame when it comes to second languages.

Will consider Bulgarian, Persian, Latina, and Italian dark haired beauties too.

Hell, I'll even settle for a single slightly nagging woman who likes to sit on porch swings and hold hands. And she can be a Wiccan.

Okay, Fuck it! She can be a total bitch 20% of the time - it's not like I have unrealistic expectations or anything.

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