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Rysiekúr Memesson 🇺🇦

Just to be very clear, there is nothing wrong with using Pleroma!

But calling an instance mastodon[.]tech and using Pleroma to run it is something I find somewhat sketchy.

Chris [list of emoji]


Wait, there's a .tech TLD as well as .technology?!?!?!? Something is rotten in the state of domain registration.

(Yeah, yeah, :blobcatsurprised: )


@suetanvil everyone's got their favourite "domain registrations have jumped the shark" moment. personal low-points included the cynical cash-grab of adding gTLDs, quickly followed with giving .amazon to Jeff's Terrible Website instead of the ancient vital rainforest of the same name

8Petros [I Am Not Lefthanded]_
@rysiek Do you have other reservations, or is it just that "Electrolux/Hoover effect" that turns you against them?
@rysiek they run soapbox, that's sus as fuck tbh lol
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