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Ash Furrow

Thanks for all the well wishes everyone. You've made this less difficult on me and I really appreciate it ❤️

I will stay on the fediverse at , a single-user instance I set up with

I encourage all local users to find or create an instance, and migrate to it using these docs:

All further announcements about the shutdown will come from @announcements. Thank you again 🙇

James Hammond @announcements I'm having some trouble moving my followers so I've had to put a profile redirect on instead. There were only 3 dang nabbit it took me a long time to get those 3!?

Instance Announcements

@flexsite profile migrations can take time. did you set up the alias on the new account to point to the old one, and then start the migration from your new account?

James Hammond

@announcements Yes, the server is saying that my the Alias does not exist on, even though it does


@flexsite I did this yesterday. Put in the alias. Go grab some tea, watch a video, take some time. Come back and try again.

Instance Announcements

@flexsite try removing the alias on m.s and re-adding it. can you post a screenshot of the alias UI?

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