With the recent excelerating trends evidencing people leaving the deprecated, legacy silos, and increased awareness surrounding the protection of their #privacy, #ownership of their personal data, along with their inability to enjoy unfettered speech and expression; several existing and emerging technologies that actually respect those universal expectations have been rising to prominence and experiencing a massive influx of users.

I've been somewhat inundated as of late with inquiries from various sectors for suggestions about where people can turn to enjoy the freedoms and privacy that places like #Twatter, #InstaSPAM, and #Faceplant are forcing them to become aware of.

Although I can't promise to respond to every inquiry, I do try my very best to reply to most folks, time permitting, so do feel free to continue reaching out privately, as I endeavor to help everyone who strives to break those chains and re-platform to safer, and free (as in freedom) resources that continue to gain #critical_mass, as more people realize the futility of remaining captives to what has traditionally been observed as the "AOL Effect", commonly referred to in the contemporary environment as the, "Network Effect".

Now, it seems that my recent showcasing related to both on demand and #live_streaming #video options has been a popular subject, so in order to reduce the amount of private inquiries I've determined that more users can be accommodated by posting about the plethora of mostly #FOSS based systems in the #DeSoc space, to varying degrees.

Some of the following are generally considered #Fediverse platforms, like my previously posted treatment of #ownCast and #PeerTube, which leverage the power of #ActivityPub #federation, but there are also many #blockchain and #p2p solutions (and hybrids blending them) for people that you can simply freely enjoy as casual visitors or registered users that create personal accounts for themselves. Some are even really simple for the average non-technical user to deploy for themselves, without cost or requirements to set up servers.

All of the following communities and #social_networks respect and preserve the rights of people where their privacy, speech and expression, and moreover, the ownership of their own data is concerned. Many are longtstanding options with huge communities where both viewers and #creators enjoy resources for #monetization, while a few are relatively new and ambitious efforts that are quickly growing with bright, promising futures.

Feel free to address any questions or thoughts you have here, or if you prefer, DM me privately with your particular needs or if you're seeking advice of a more personal nature. Like I said, I do try to get back to everyone, even if it takes a little bit to do so.

So without further ado, here's a link to a myriad of choices, and I'll post again soon with a more in depth coverage of PeerTube in these times where you can self-host your own #VoD and live #streaming platform where anyone can enjoy 20 TeraBytes of streaming data for as little as around only $5 per month.


I hope that helps!

