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Lohan Gunaweera

#WhatsApp lets messages vanish after seven days, it says. Yes, messages will vanish from the sender and recipient. Not from the service provider's servers! This gives nothing more than a false sense of #privacy.

Lohan Gunaweera

@Gargron That too isn't really a verified fact. That was their previous privacy related unverified claim. Mainstream media uncritically reported it and now it has become a taken for granted fact.

Nobody knows how this encryotion works. Users obviously do not share any encryption keys or any verification at the end user-level. #WhatsApp does the encryption in the middle.

Lohan Gunaweera

@Gargron That too isn't really a verified fact. That was their previous privacy related unverified claim. Mainstream media uncritically reported it and now it has become a taken for granted fact.

Nobody knows how this encryotion works. Users obviously do not share any encryption keys or any verification at the end user-level. #WhatsApp does the "encryption" in the middle.

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