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TILvids doesn't federate its videos to other PeerTube servers.

However, it does federate with other platforms. Accounts and channels can be followed from elsewhere on the Fediverse (or at least, they could until this bug stopped new follows).


@FediVideos Wait, but then why one but not the other?



If I understand correctly, the idea is that the videos won't appear on any other video servers.

All Tilvids videos are posted with permission of the creators, and apparently some of them seem uncomfortable with videos being federated to other video sites that they haven't approved.

Some PeerTube servers aren't so great about moderation, so I can kind of understand this. It would be nice if they federated to well-moderated servers, but I guess that's extra work for Tilvids' admin.


@FediVideos But, then what's the point of *Peer*Tube? Then TILvids essentially becomes just another centralized video hosting site, basically acting as a CDN.




It's not centralised.

Tilvids federates with most of the Fediverse. if you go to my profile you will see lots of Tilvids videos that have federated.

It's other PT servers that it doesn't federate with, for the reasons in previous post.


@FediVideos But then how? Both PT servers and Mastodon use ActivityPub, but only one can communicate with TILvids?



It's to do with who owns the rights to the videos.

Most of Tilvids' content is made by other people, and they only gave permission for the videos to be reposted on Tilvids.

You would have to talk to the videos' creators if you want these terms changed.

It's not something the server admin can change.


@FediVideos So, it's just a video hosting site that can also crosspost to Mastodon




No, it's not crossposting to Mastodon, it's federating.

If you reply to a tilvids post in Mastodon, that reply appears as a comment in Tilvids, because it's the same post.

Tilvids is trying to create a good well-moderated server where established video makers can publish on the Fediverse without being posted alongside conspiracy theory videos etc.

The admin has been patiently negotiating to get more good video makers onto the Fedi, and I think they deserve support for that.

Classic James P.

@FediVideos @optimal Aw, come on! I wanted to follow @tilvids videos on my PeerTube account!


@james @optimal @tilvids

You'd need to talk to the videos' creators about that I think.

The admin only has permission to post these videos on their own server.

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