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Wow, this guy got off pretty much scott free, with time served on a minimum of time actually served at all; especially in light of the 20 years behind bars sentence just got handed out yesterday to Sebastien Vachon-Desjardins (a Canadian member of the Russian "Netwalker" gang).

Thompson, who was also sentenced yesterday, wreaked so much more havoc as a lone actor amounting to over 250 million dollars in damages, including the partial public release of 100 million people's personal identity information that he stole from S3 storage while he was working as a trusted Amazon administrator.

I've been following this case since it originally broke about two years ago, and personally feel that the most egregious criminal aspect of it is the sentence itself that the judge handed out yesterday.

The argument for such leniency boiled down to "Oh poor me, I'm too frail and afraid to go to prison (even a women's prison), or correctional mental facility, because I've suffered enough already due to my personal psychological issues".

Guess what biotch? It's not about you - it's about your 100 million victims!

Ummm... Yeah that just doesn't wash. 20 years for Paige Thompson as well sounds about right. His crimes were actually much worse than that of the Canadian hacker, who incidentally, earned his twenty year sentence.
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And here's the particulars in the other criminal that was sentenced yesterday:

By the way, the judge said that had he forced a trial by pleading not guilty, he would have sentenced him to life in prison - something that Paige Thompson also no doubt deserves.
And here's the particulars in the other criminal that was sentenced yesterday:
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