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Ass Burgers :butt::reverseaburg::reverseaburg::reverseaburgnom:

So Valve decided Chaos;Head was too spicy for Steam and refused to allow it without some changes the creators say will have a negative impact on the story.

Meanwhile, Nintendo is allowing it on the Switch with no changes.

So a petition has been set up to ask Valve to reconsider:

I have worries that Valve has been infiltrated by a woke employee or two.

Save Chäos;Head.jpg
:umu: :umu:
@sjw weird I don't remember anything spicy in Chaos;Head. I don't know about Noah, but it's extended version of original novel.
@sjw i think they just hate Nitro+ and anything involved with it

any of the Nitro+ VNs that made it to the store are censored and you are only able to patch it via buying a patch from JAST store

i thought they are just being slow or something, but apparently its Valve blocking them, which is weird honestly, bc ive seen several fucked up titles on the level of Nitro+ VNs make it to Steam without issue
@sjw i think they just hate Nitro+ and anything involved with it

any of the Nitro+ VNs that made it to the store are censored and you are only able to patch it via buying a patch from JAST store
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