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Ramsey Nasser

last bit of fun for the day: progress on my function reactive scene graph thing for livecoded visuals. i am trying to avoid using a heavy framework like vue or react for the livecoding / reactive parts, so i am writing that bit myself. right now i have a basic virtual dom reconciler working on top of a-frame which talks to three.js and eventually webgl. you can see the scene change as i edit the file and the element view reflecting the relatively efficient updates to the dom.

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Ramsey Nasser

building my own reconciler and reactive system means I can tune the experience exactly the way I want. the trade off in using established frameworks directly is that they're designed to work in the general case and are quite weighed down by history and "best practices" as a result. I'm trying to take advantage of the freedom that comes with targeting a specific case and embracing "worst practices" 😈

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