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I can't make an edgy jpeg out of this.

I'd actually shoot myself in the face right now if I had the chance, for no comprehensible reason, and the unusually large number of people counting on me nowadays just makes it worse.

I don't know what the last straw was, and taking the critical damage out of nowhere that feels so irreversible while casually lying on the bed and thinking about everyday little things seems odd.

It hurts like fuck, whatever that shit is.
Gonna get through the night.
I'll keep you posted.
I'm on sedatives and painkillers, doesn't seem to be getting any better.
The phantom smell of something burning is getting more and more unbearable.
The burning smell is gone, can focus on things for longer than 15 seconds again, guess I'm recovering.
Still lost, but I'll figure it out.

Well, HOLY FUCK that was frightening.
Truly felt like a close call, good thing I pretty much didn't even have the strength to get out of bed.
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