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alex 🦐

Oh you can’t install Firefox extensions in iOS? Any way around that? Ads are doing my head in.

Kjell 🐧:arch: :golang: ⚡

@jumboshrimp Get a non iOS infested device.

Else pi-hole is a champ, every network should have one. :D

alex 🦐

@jinxd I’ve only just switched from Android to iPhone in an attempt to choose the lesser evil. That, and Android was just pissing me off constantly with it’s quirks.


@jumboshrimp Wrong direction. Apple is worse than Google, and that's a hard thing to do.

Asier Izquierdo 🇪🇸

@tennoseremel @jumboshrimp IMO Apple is the best equilibrium between privacy and convenience, and there's nothing worse than Google. Except Amazon and Facebook.


@asier Are we talking about the same company that wanted to scan all user data in case something bad is in there? :blobcatthinking:


@asier Good luck believing it then. In any case Apple's world is still a walled garden, if that fits your definition of equilibrium it's your choice.

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